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UT Austin Application Checklist

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UT Austin Application Checklist


             By the end of Sheakspeare's "Macbeth," Lady Macbeth has proven that her
             imagination is stronger than her will. During the beginning of the play,
             Lady M had been the Checklist, iron fist and The Career authority icon for Macbeth. She was the
             voice of determination and hardness, yet deep down, she never carried such
             traits to begin with. She started this ordeal with a negative, bombastic
             rhetoric, preying on Macbeth's weaknesses in order to egg him on. In no
             way did she make a positive contribution to Macbeth or to herself.
             However, Macbeth soon becomes more independent and shows more of his own
             self-ambition. Eventually, Lady Macbeth begins to show her true, stripped
             away and "wither'd" nature. Lady Macbeth's vulnerability increases as time
             passes, and her enthusiasm wanes. Lady Macbeth is mainly responsible for
             aggravating the struggle between Macbeth's morality, devotion and
             "vaulting ambition." This duality in Lady Macbeth's character plays a huge
             role in planting the seed for Macbeth's downfall and eventual demise.
             Lady Macbeth imagines that she has the capability to be a remorseless and
             determined villain, but she isn't anything of the like in reality. She
             thinks that her will to follow through with her thoughts outweighs
             Macbeth's determination. Lady Macbeth views her husband as "too full o'
             the milk of human kindness/To catch the nearest way," (I-v, 16-17). UT Austin Checklist! Within
             the first act, she deems herself the more committing and authoritative
             person in this couple. She claims that "that which rather [Macbeth] dost
             fear to do," could be fulfilled if, "I may pour my spirits in thine ear"
             (I-v, 23-25). She believes matters should be taken into her own hands from
             the moment she receives the letter about the witches' prophecies. Lady

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John Proctors speech, If he would have confessed



Benjamin Banneker was the proud son of Robert and Mary Bannaky, born in 1731.

Banneker's parents and grandparents were freed slaves, he grew up on his family's farm in Maryland

where he had cultivated a love of how thing's worked. Banneker's grandmother taught him and his

brother's how to read, using her Bible as a lesson book. Where he grew up there were no school's

for boy's to attend. Growing up as a normal kid, no one would of Checklist ever thought he would be one of

the greatest.

At age twenty-one, Banneker had a friend named Josef Levi, Levi had a simple patent

watch. Absolutely fascinated with the watch he took the watch apart. Banneker carved similar

watch pieces out of wood and made a clock of his own. The clock was so precise that it struck

every hour on the hour. So because of this project he then led to repair watches, clocks, and


Banneker became friend's with the Ellicott brother's, who then lent book's on Astronomy

and Mathematics as well as instruments for observing the stars. Banneker taught himself Astronomy

and advanced Mathematics. In 1971 he started working on a second project, namely constructing

an Astronomical Almanac. Banneker then wrote a letter to Thomas Jefferson, Secretary State

sending him a manuscript of his Almanac. In the letter Banneker said the he .... Of Ethical In Managed Services? "had long

unbound desires to become acquainted with the secret's of nature. I have had to gratify my

curiosity herein through my own assiduous application to astronomical study, in which I need

not recount to you the many difficulties and disadvantages which I have had to Application encounter."

To me this letter to Thomas Jefferson just means to that have achieved what he did with

all the difficulties he had, that he must be a very intelligent, remarkable man.

After many year's Banneker got to old to keep working on the farm, so he then sold...

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