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Cause of divorce essay

Completely Different but Still Romantics

             Completely Different but still romantics
             The author of The Birthmark writes with an ominous tones whereas the author of Nature is a transcendentalist and writes with a happier tone. Ralph Waldo Emerson was a Unitarian minister that gave up the ministry and began a lifelong career as a lecturer and writer. Nathaniel Hawthorne was a semi recluse that taught himself to write and about American history. Although these authors are extremely different and have very different styles of writing they both fall under the category of romantics. Hawthorne's fascination with the supernatural, the mysterious, and the gothic in The Birthmark definitely places him under the romantics. And Emerson's profound love of nature and belief that the supernatural exists in the story Nature makes him a sure thing when it comes to talking about the romantics.
             Emerson speaks of the stars being "rays that come from those heavenly worlds ?(-Ralph Waldo Emerson, pg. 162) and this is another thing he has in common with Hawthorne, they both believe in the supernatural. In Hawthorne's story a woman dies because she is too perfect, in reality perfection is in the eye of the beholder and cannot be judged by some ?nature judge' or any other being of the supernatural. Emerson believed that the greatest delight is only produced by the harmony of man and nature. In The Birthmark his wife dies because he tried to get around natures laws and made his wife perfect, and cause essay, since he broke the laws of nature he and his wife paid the Failure Is Good, ultimate prices, death and loss.
             It is easier to see how different these writers are even though they have many things in common. Of Divorce Essay! One author writes gothic stories of the supernatural and the other is a transcendentalist that writes of mans harmony with nature and the rays of light from other worlds. Even their lives are completely different, Emerson was an educated minister that decided to write and lect

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             Democracy may be defined as a system that is cause of divorce run by the people of a nation. Each person is entitled to vote and have the right to protect their individual freedoms and equality. The citizens are able to make their own decisions and live the way they want to. But many are questioning about whether or not there is unfairness in democracy. Where democracy is present, a tyranny of the majority may occur. Tyranny of the majority is the assumption made that the majority is most likely to be correct than then minority and minorities are deprived of their rights.
             Often in society there are certain groups or minorities that are discriminated and oppressed against. Although Canada is seen as a multicultural nation, there is still much discrimination against certain ethnic groups. In Edmonton there is an Julius, obvious group who suffers from oppression from the majority. This group can be identified as "natives ?. Often when individuals who are not of aboriginal ethnicity, think of natives it is usually a common stereotypical view. Many view most natives as poverty stricken or alcoholics.
             When politicians aim for the majority vote, they try and focus on the average needs of the majority. Essay. Therefore the natives are often overlooked by the government. In a democratic nation such as Canada, natives are a minority and are viewed as a burden on society. There are limited services or facilities implemented in order to provide for those in need. It is quite stereotypical to imply that it is mostly natives who use these facilities, but it is the government which has created this typical view.
             Such minority groups that do not have a voice are subject to the rules of the country they live in. For those who want to stay a citizen of their "Native Land ? instead of a citizen of Canada are forced to stay on a reserve. Those that live on a reserve are basically treated as living in a different country. Democracy proves

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