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How to Write a Character Analysis — Teaching College English

Puritanism versus Deism: God Near or Far?

             People have always searched for a belief system that explains the world. Many people end up discovering that there is a God. However, people come to very different conclusions about God. Some may find that God is very involved in the world. They may see God as very caring or very upset with what is going on. Write A Character English! On the other hand, others believe that God is not involved presently in the world. Puritanism is a philosophy that teaches God is very involved, while Deism teaches that God is distant. There are many significant differences between Puritanism and Deism.
             Puritanism originally was conceived to purify England. Puritans were divided into two main groups. These groups were the separatists and non-separatists. The Separatists believed that they needed to separate from the Church of England. An Analysis About! The Plymouth Colonists are an example of separating Puritans. The other group was the non-separating Puritans. An example of these Puritans was the Massachusetts Bay colony. These Puritans desired to reform the church.
             A major belief of the Puritan faith is predestination. Those who believe this way insist that one cannot choose salvation, only God chooses who receives salvation. Puritans believe in order to be saved one must be justified and sanctified.
             Puritans also had their own unique writing style. This style is called the Puritan plain style. This very simple writing style was usually comprised of Write a Character Analysis College English three parts: doctrine, reasons, and uses. Puritans believed the Church of England was Corrupt and needed Purifying.
             Puritans believe in predestination. "Puritans believed that belief in Jesus and participation in the sacraments could not alone affect one's salvation; one cannot choose salvation, for that is the An Analysis By Carl Sandburg About privilege of God alone ? (Campbell 11). Puritans believe that God is the only voice in the process of salvation. "All features of salvation are determined by God's sovereignty, including choosing those w

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Sophocles vs Shakespeare

             In Sophocles and Shakespearean terms, blindness means a completely different thing. Blindness can normally be defined as the inability of the eye to see, but according to both plays; blindness is not always a physical quality, but a mental flaw some people possess. Out of both plays, Shakespeare's King Lear has the most dominant theme of blindness. King Lear, Gloucester, and Albany are three prime examples Shakespeare incorporates this theme into. Oedipus is the only one that shows blindness is Sophocles play. Each of these characters blindness was the primary cause of the bad decisions they made; decisions which all of them would eventually come to regret. The blindest one of all would be King Lear. It is How to Write because of Lear's high position in society as king, he was supposed to be able to distinguish between the good and even, evil; unfortunate for Lear his lack of insight prevented him to do so. The first act of blindness from Lear came at the begging of the play. First, his two eldest daughters deceived him, then he was unable to see the true love Cordelia's felt for him, and as a result, he banished her from the kingdom with the following words: " ¦For we Have no such daughter. Nor shall ever see That face of her again. Therefore be gone Without our grace, our love, our benison. ? (Act I, Sc I, Ln 265-267) Kent, one of Lear's loyal followers was also banished because of Lear's blindness. Kent was able to How to a Character — Teaching College see Cordelia's true love for her father, and tried to protect her from Hajj her blind father's irrational behavior. After Kent was banished, he created disguise for himself and was hired as Lear's servant. Lear's inability to determine his servants true identity proved once again how blind Lear was. As the play progressed, Lear' eyesight reached close to perfect vision. He soon realized how wicked his two eldest daughters really were after the

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