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The Significance of the Media to Politicians

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The Significance of the Media to Politicians


Good evening ladies and The Significance of the Media to Politicians, gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to the JWCS study day. In English we have been studying History and Memory. This speech will be based around the topic, "History, without memory is merely a collection of facts, and consequently without real meaning in our world."

In our main text that we have been studying, "The Fiftieth Gate", the relationship between history and memory comes through clearly.

"The town hall. The church. Here. Right her, my god. My god, not a thing".p.45

"See, I remember. We were here. Carla lived here, and so we lived, one, two, three, here."p.45

These quotes are reflections of Baker's mother's memories. Physically being in the place where events have taken place brings memories back for her. She has a flood of memories as she visits her home town. Only things have changed, which means as she compares contrasts, more memories flow.

The quote, "Memory records but also composes history", gives good contrast between the relationship history and memory hold. Most history is some form of memory but there is no absolute history, it is A&P-Breaking written from personal experiences or memories and therefore creates some bias. The Significance Of The Media! All memories are different and unique for each individual. Memories recall and retell history, history inturn is the general agreement of memories.

History has been formed from what people have seen or heard and then retold or passed on to younger generations. It's their composition of the events and happenings. Mark Baker's history comes from his parent's memories. Some memories we can choose to black out and try to forget, it's how humans cope with it. It is understandable for some one who has survived through such atrocities that the holocaust has brought about to want to forget about and block out bad memories.

At a recent visit to the Jewish museum we were...

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Forensic Science Applied to Burned Victims

Canadian forensic science is an integral component to the overall nature of victim identification. No matter the situation, Canada's forensic scientists are one of the first to arrive on the scene in order to collect pertinent clues for body cataloging. Media To Politicians. Basic identification is not so difficult a task for the most part, however, when the victim is burned beyond recognition, more complex methods must be utilized as a means by which to establish positive identification. These methods include, DNA fingerprinting, forensic odontology, and cranial base evaluation. With the incorporation of these methods, it has made identification of a severely burned body possible. A body that has been only partially burned can be identified through DNA fingerprinting. Technology. By way of scientific intervention, Canadian forensic officials have been given an opportunity to crack many criminal cases involving unidentified burn victims that they may otherwise have had no further means of solving, all because the unique properties of DNA molecules are so conclusive in their association. "Validation studies are a crucial requirement before implementation of new genetic typing systems for clinical diagnostics or forensic identity" (). DNA, scientifically known as deoxyribonucleic acid, represents the very molecule of life containing all the hereditary data that is genetically passed through from one generation to the next. Of The. "Any technology has the potential to be misused, and charlatans exist in all fields. It is incumbent upon the forensic science community as a whole to monitor its members in the use of DNA or any forensic analysis" (Rudin et al, 1997 p. 319-323). As Patton notes, however, three of the primary concerns with regard to DNA and victim identification include the question of a "generally accepted scientific theory" (p. 223) that serves to support the reliability of DNA forensic testing; the extent to which current techniques or experiments...

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